Tuesday, 22 August 2017

An Overview About Fertility Treatment

Fertility problems and hormonal conditions may cause some people to have difficulty conceiving. But not all hope is lost, as there is always the option to seek treatment from a fertility specialist. The first step is to see general practitioner or internist for a recommendation, or start looking for a fertility treatment centre locally or abroad. If you are looking for information on fertility treatment, here is an overview of the things to know: 
  • Fertility drugs – A doctor may prescribe fertility drugs depending on your condition. For instance, clomifene or Tamoxifen is prescribed if tests reveal that ovulation is absent or irregular. The drug stimulates the ovary to produce eggs. In cases of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Metformin may be prescribed to trigger ovulation. If the body cannot produce GnRH (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone) naturally, pulsed GnRH may be prescribed to stimulate egg production. These drugs may be given along with assisted conception treatments, too.
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF) – An assisted conception treatment, IVF involves the extraction of the egg from the ovaries to be fertilised by a sperm in a laboratory dish. The fertilised egg (embryo) will be transferred into the womb.
  • ICSI – Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection is like IVF, but instead of mixing the sperm and egg together in a lab, doctors pick one sperm and directly inject it into the egg. This may be an option if the male partner’s sperm quality is poor or is unable to produce any sperm.
  • Intrauterine insemination – IUI may be the fertility treatment prescribed for unexplained ovulation or infertility problems. It may be the best option for cases where the male has low-quality sperm, too. In this procedure, doctors separate the healthiest sperm from slow ones, and inject them into the womb during ovulation.
Fertility treatment may be costly, but you can look up reasonably priced options abroad. Some countries, like the Czech Republic, offer high-quality and competitively priced fertility treatments to couples who want to conceive successfully.